Rehabilitation Physical Therapy

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1578 Williamsbridge Road, Suite 3D Bronx, NY 10461
• Tel: 718-863-DAZA

• Fax: 718-863-3290

Welcome to the comprehensive medical library of Rehabilitation Physical Therapy. The information shared below is provided to you as an educational and informational source only and is not intended to replace a medical examination or consultation, or medical advice given to you by a physician or medical professional.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any condition or treatment, please contact Rehabilitation Physical Therapy. To schedule an appointment please call Rehabilitation Physical Therapy (718-863-3292) or use our online Request an Appointment form.

Reducing Knee Pain and SwellingDolor y la hinchaz³n de la rodilla: C³mo reducir

Reducing Knee Pain and Swelling

Many treatments can help reduce pain and swelling in your knee. Your doctor or physical therapist may suggest one or more of the following treatments.

  • Icing your knee helps reduce swelling. You may be asked to ice your knee once a day or more.

  • Keeping your leg raised above your heart helps excess fluid flow out of your knee joint. This reduces swelling.

  • Compression means wrapping an elastic bandage or neoprene sleeve snugly around your knees. This keeps fluid from collecting in your knee joint.

  • Electrical stimulation can help reduce excess fluid in your knee joint.

  • Anti-inflammatory medicines may be prescribed by your doctor. You may take pills or receive injections in your knee.

  • Isometric (contracting) exercises strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint. They also help reduce excess fluid in your knee.

  • Massage helps fluid drain away from your knee.

Icing, elevation, and electrical stimulation can help reduce inflammation.

Date Last Reviewed: 2007-01-15T00:00:00-07:00

Date Last Modified: 2002-07-09T00:00:00-06:00